Lion’s Mane (Hericium Erinaceus)

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Lion’s mane or in latin hericium erinaceus is rare fungus found in China, Japan, North America and some parts of Europe. Known for its medicinal properties throughout Asia – Lion’s mane has a plethora of functionalities and may be of profound importance in the world of nootropics and cognitive augmentation.

Lion’s mane contains a number of antioxidants and preliminary data suggests that it may lower blood-glucose levels and hence be of some value to diabetics. Now for the exciting part: hericium erinaceus also contains compounds known as hericenones and erinacines, both of which are suspected to stimulate nerve growth factor (NGF). NGF is a secreted protein which plays a role in the growth, maintenance, and endurance of certain target nerve cells. It also functions as a signaling molecule. NGF has been demonstrated in reducing neural degeneration.. It has also been shown to promote nerve regeneration in rodents. This nootropics roar could justify its name.


•May increase brain neuron levels and increase neuron branching and thus basal intelligence and memory
•Has been shown to treat and improve symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases
• Lowers blood glucose levels and improves insulin sensitivity
• May increase glial density leading to increased oxygenation.

Lion’s mane is a relatively unexplored nootropic in the west and hence toxicity, allergy prevalence and ideal dosing is unestablished. After extensive research I discovered personal documentation which hinted at raised liver enzymes after a month-long regime. As always: proceed with caution when taking any new nootropic. You may wish to even have blood work done in order to gauge the effect of your nootropics regime.


A therapeutic dose remains unestablished, though current capsules are an average 500mg each and users are advised to take one capsule twice daily.


Awaiting an order.